Near this price
You can buy one of the following:
Buy all billionaires
You can buy each US-dollar billionaire one of the following items:
Years membership to the Free Software Foundation
Yearly Associate Membership to the Free Software Foundation for US$120 (R1,179) from source
Shopping list
You can buy all of the following:
300 Rooms at The Langham Hotel, London
Bed and breakfast in Classic Room at the Langham Hotel, London. for £310.80 (R4,686) from source -
100 Acres of the Moon
Cost of an acre of the Sea of Tranquility, from the Lunar Registry for US$37.50 (R368.60) from source -
1 Enough 1p coins to cover your body
Cover your body with a single layer of UK one penny coins in hexagonal close-pack formation for £12.58 (R189.70) -
100 McFlurries
McDonald's Ice Cream for £1.20 (R18.09)