You could buy
You can buy one of the following:
Buy all billionaires
You can buy each US-dollar billionaire one of the following items:
Shopping list
You can buy all of the following:
1 Free Software Foundation membership
Yearly Associate Membership to the Free Software Foundation for US$120 (د.م.1,023) from source -
1 UK Black-and-White Television License
1 Year black-and-white television license, 2011 for £49 (د.م.640.60) from bbc -
1 Carl Sagan's Cosmos DVD
Inspirational and wide-appeal science series. Thirteen episodes, each one hour long. for £11.71 (د.م.153.10) from source -
1 Prom ticket
Ticket to a BBC Proms classical music concert, standing for £5 (د.م.65.36) from source -
1 Fill human lungs with tap water
Fill human lungs with tap water for £0.01 (د.م.0.11) from hardcoded