Near this price
You can buy one of the following:
Buy all billionaires
You can buy each US-dollar billionaire one of the following items:
Years membership to the Free Software Foundation
Yearly Associate Membership to the Free Software Foundation for US$120 (Íkr14,690) from source
Shopping list
You can buy all of the following:
1 Nissan Micra
Car for £7,820 (Íkr1,469 thousand) -
1 UK general election campaign
Average spending per candidate standing in the UK general election, 2010. for £3,489 (Íkr655,200) from electoral_comission -
1 thousand Black's Law Dictionary
"Black's Law Dictionary" by Bryan A. Garner for £89 (Íkr16,710) from waterstones -
1 Housing benefit
Average (mean) weekly housing benefit claim in the UK, July 2011 for £87.18 (Íkr16,370) from source -