Near this price
You can buy one of the following:
Apple Store
Average cost of furnishing an Apple Store for US$8,500 thousand (Íkr1,041 million) from source
Millions of
You can buy one of the following:
Words by Stephen Fry
Cost per word of Stephen Fry's column for £3 (Íkr563.40) -
Shopping list
You can buy all of the following:
1 Apple Store
Average cost of furnishing an Apple Store for US$8,500 thousand (Íkr1,041 million) from source -
1 Passion Natural Water-Based Lubricant - 55 Gallon
55 gallons of lube for US$1,495 (Íkr183 thousand) from source -
4 thousand Hours of magistates court
Running costs. Image: Jonathunder. for £400 (Íkr75,120) from source -
6 thousand Prescription medicine items
Cost charged by the NHS for an item of prescription medicine for £7.40 (Íkr1,390) from source