You could buy
You can buy one of the following:
Monthly rent
Average monthly cost of renting accomidation in the United Kingdom, 2006/7 for £565 (COL$1,649 thousand) from source -
Maggie Simpsion
Price in opening credits of The Simpsons for US$847.60 (COL$1,613 thousand) from source -
All humans replaced with replicas made from tap water
All humans replaced with replicas made from tap water for £636.50 (COL$1,857 thousand) from hardcoded
Thousands of
You can buy one of the following:
Shopping list
You can buy all of the following:
1 Maggie Simpsion
Price in opening credits of The Simpsons for US$847.60 (COL$1,613 thousand) from source -
1 Carl Sagan's Cosmos DVD
Inspirational and wide-appeal science series. Thirteen episodes, each one hour long. for £11.71 (COL$34,170) from source -