You could buy
You can buy one of the following:
Average (mean) cost of a House in the United Kindgom, 2010 for £251,600 (د.إ1,491 thousand) from source -
Enough honey to cover an American football field
Smother an American football field with honey, to a depth of 1cm for US$397,100 (د.إ1,534 thousand) from groeb
Thousands of
You can buy one of the following:
Black's Law Dictionary
"Black's Law Dictionary" by Bryan A. Garner for £89 (د.إ527.30) from waterstones -
Acres of the Moon
Cost of an acre of the Sea of Tranquility, from the Lunar Registry for US$37.50 (د.إ144.90) from source
Shopping list
You can buy all of the following:
1 House
Average (mean) cost of a House in the United Kindgom, 2010 for £251,600 (د.إ1,491 thousand) from source -
1 Thumb
Criminal injuries compensation for loss of thumb, 1996. for £15 thousand (د.إ88,880) from source -
1 UK general election campaign
Average spending per candidate standing in the UK general election, 2010. for £3,489 (د.إ20,670) from electoral_comission -
1 Passion Natural Water-Based Lubricant - 55 Gallon
55 gallons of lube for US$1,495 (د.إ5,775) from source -